Gwent Wildlife Trust hosts public meeting to discuss significant new developments on the Gwent Levels

Gwent Wildlife Trust hosts public meeting to discuss significant new developments on the Gwent Levels

Winter sunset over Magor Marsh (Credit Lowri Watkins)

Gwent Wildlife Trust hosts public meeting to discuss significant new developments on the Gwent Levels

Gwent Wildlife Trust, along with local organisations, hosted a public meeting to discuss preventing damaging development on the unique Levels landscape  at The Hub, Main Road, Undy on Thursday December 7th, 6.30pm-8pm.

GWT’s campaign to halt significant development on the Gwent Levels until full formal protection for this irreplaceable landscape has been agreed, is supported by well-known conservationists such as Iolo Williams, Lizzie Daly, Mary Colwell and Julian Hoffman.

A Senedd petition to that effect is currently running, with the aim of gaining 10,000 signatures, and triggering a debate in a full plenary session.

An adult lapwing on the Gwent Levels.

An adult lapwing on the Gwent Levels (credit Gillian Day)

Adam Taylor, Gwent Wildlife Trust CEO, says, "The Gwent Levels are under siege from a number of development proposals that would cause irretrievable damage to this nationally important landscape and the incomparable wildlife that depends upon it. We would like to stress that we are not against solar plants, simply that these developments should not be placed where they will destroy precious habitat.  The existing solar plant at Llanwern has already had a catastrophic impact on a hugely important lapwing breeding site. Lapwing is a very scarce and declining breeding bird species in Wales and Gwent. Other planning proposals include a huge business park on a SSSI that would destroy this unique and invaluable habitat. The developers’ argument that habitat can be replaced or mitigated is spurious as it is pretty much impossible to replicate the specific characteristics that make an area attractive to flora and fauna,

Senedd petition: Gwent Wildlife Trust's plea to everyone who loves this special landscape to sign and share the Senedd petition.

Halt significant new development on the Gwent Levels SSSI

Please add your name by clicking here.

Signing this e-action means that, while being fully aware of the threats posed by the Climate and Nature Emergencies, you call on the Minister and the Senedd to take measures to halt significant new development on the Gwent Levels.
Further information about Gwent Wildlife Trust:
Gwent Wildlife Trust –
Press information: Nerys Lloyd-Pierce 02920 343 121/07701007128