Florapedia book review

Florapedia book review

Nature with Nev reviews Florapedia - a Brief Compendium of Floral Lore by Carol Gracie.

Florapedia is an aptly named gem of a book, with an A-Z of informative cover to cover interest, providing the reader with a new found knowledge and insight to a different perspective on the flora of our world.

Florapedia - a brief compendium of floral lore by Carol Gracie


There are over a hundred entries from plants that are very choosy on which insects pollinate them to carnivorous plants. This book covers a multitude of interest explained in 'layman's' terms, dipping into the scientific realm of the plant kingdom but keeping the reader captivated at the same time.

I learned about plants that require no chlorophyll, Darwin's Orchid, the Resurrection Plant, Twinleaf, edible flowers and more. It was a delight to read about plants with intriguing names such as Dutchman's Breeches, Living Stones, Spiderwort, Bloodroot and others. Some early botanists are featured too such as John Barstram and the early plant hunter Ernest Henry Wilson.

What I particularly like about this book is that there is something for everyone and to learn about the world's largest flower was an eye-opener for me. Tantalising drawings by Amy John Porter break up the text of which is a good font size and overall, it is all very well laid out.  This is a very informative book, packed with folklore, how plants get their names, their uses and much, much more.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this quaint little book and look forward to reading it again.

Neville Davies.  Author.  @ecology_cymru